Installing Spindle Document Distribution

Installing Spindle Document Distribution

Installing the Spindle Client 

This guide will instruct you or your IT team through the installation process for the Spindle Document Distribution software we provide for you. This contains step by step instructions to take you through each stage of the install process, along with screenshots for reference. If you are unsure of anything in the installation process or run into any issues, please feel free to contact and we will be happy to assist.

The Install Process

  1. Locate the Spindle installer on your network
    1. This can vary depending on which other software we provide you with. If you are unsure on where the find the installation files for Spindle, please contact

  1. Double click the install files to run the installation. When asked to confirm if you want to run the file, select Run

  1. When asked if you would like the app to make changes to your device, select Yes

  1. If you are prompted to install any prerequisites, select Install on this page

  1. Once the prerequisites have been installed, you will be presented with the installation wizard, click Next on this page

  1. Accept the End-User License Agreement

  1. On the Installation Information page, click Next

  1. On the Destination Folder page, leave this as default unless your IT state otherwise

  1. On the Primary Application page, leave this as default

  1. On the Spindle Document Distribution Shared Folder page, this needs to be changed to where you Spindle data is stored
    1. If you are unsure of this location, you can either ask or confirm this on another user's PC by following our guide "Checking Spindle User Settings"

  1. On the install page, click Install

  1. Spindle will then begin to install

  1. Once this is complete, click Finish

  1. Once this is complete, you will be presented with the User Setup Wizard. This is where you configure your user information
    1. The main information that needs filling in is Forename, Surname, Company and Email Address

  1. On the next pages for Printer setup and Fax setup, configure these as
    2. Fax: ---NONE---

  1. On the Default email setup, set this to Legacy Outlook and then click OK to any prompts

  1. On the Default CRM Setup page, leave this as ---NONE---

  1. The next page will show the different drivers which will be added to your PC. You will most likely be using "Spindle Pro Auto"

  1. Once the setup is complete, click Finish

Spindle Document Distribution is now installed on your PC ready to use to automate document printing.

If you require any assistance or come across any issues, please contact IT@Spectrum support at with details of the issue and screenshots where possible. 

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