Installing a Print Driver

Installing a Print Driver

1. Open Control Panel by searching it in the start menu

2. Select "View Devices and Printers

3. Select "Add Printer"
4. Select your device - if it does not show in the first screen, move to step 5

5. Select "The printer that I want wasn't listed" and press "My printer is a little older. Help me find it"

6. Select your printer from this list - it will start adding the device

7. Click finish once this has been done
8. In the devices and printers window, right click your printer and select printer properties to open the below window

9. Click the advances tab and then "New driver" - click next and then "Have Disk...". Browse to your desired location and select the driver (as discussed it will let you know if you choose the wrong 'bit' version of the driver)

10. Select your model from the list - click next and finish - click yes on any prompts

11. Once this is done, click "Apply"
12. On the same "Advanced" tab, press "Printing Defaults..." and change the desired settings, click apply, and OK (you may have the option to press "Apply" again)

Now you are good to go. Any issues, feel free to let me know.
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