Configuring Mailbox Access for Therefore™

Configuring Mailbox Access for Therefore™


As of late 2022, Microsoft deprecated basic authentication for mailboxes. This introduced a substantial change to our solutions (as mailbox monitoring is very common). Any solutions using basic authentication (just username / password) needed to be updated to use modern authentication via the Microsoft Graph API (client ID and secret). This guide will cover both the Azure configuration, as well as the Therefore™ configuration. The Therefore™ elements should be handled by a Spectrum Automation Engineer during build.
Therefore™ must be on or above one of the below versions:
- Therefore 2020 Update 6
- Therefore 2021 Update 3
- Therefore 2022 Update 1

Azure Configuration

  1. Log into the Azure Portal as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'App Registrations' (this can be searched for).
  3. Select 'New Registration'.
  4. Configure the application as per the below:

  5. Take a copy of the 'Application (client) ID' as per the below:

  6. Navigate to 'Certificates & secrets'

  7. Select 'New Client Secret'.
  8. Configure the secret as you wish (we'd advise making the secret last for the maximum of 2 years).
  9. Take a copy of the client secret's 'Value' (this can only be viewed once!):

  10. Navigate to 'API Permissions'.

  11. Select 'Add a permission' and select the following:

  12. Select 'Add a permission' and select the following:

  13. Select 'Grant admin consent for <CompanyName>'.

Once you have completed the above steps, the rest can be handled by us. Kindly let us know the client ID and secret value and we'll use these in your solution's configuration. If you're comfortable with some basic configuration, you may wish to attempt the below steps, but you must have previously been provided access to Therefore™'s Solution Designer. If you haven't been provided this, please do get in touch and we can discuss options.

Therefore™ Configuration

  1. Open Therefore™ Solution Designer.
  2. Expand 'Integrations' > 'Therefore™ Content Connector' > 'Mailbox Monitoring'.
  3. Open the mailbox monitor you wish to investigate / create a new one as needed with the following details:
    1. Email: The email address of the account you want to monitor.
    2. Client ID: This is the 'Application (client) ID' copied earlier.
    3. Client Secret: This is the secret copied earlier
    4. Exchange Web Services URL: This should be something like
    5. Input Folder: This is the folder which will be monitored for new incoming emails.
  4. Select 'Test' and confirm the settings are working correctly:

  5. Select 'OK' to confirm and save the changes to the mailbox monitoring profile.
If you run into any issues or have any questions, please feel free to contact

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