Changing Security Permissions in Therefore

Changing Security Permissions in Therefore

Changing Security Permissions in Therefore

This article will show you how to change user/group permissions within Therefore to ensure that users can only access what they need to access. This process applies to both categories and workflow permissions. In order to change these permissions, you will need to be a Therefore administrator and also have access to the Therefore solution designer.

Changing the Permissions

  1. Open the Therefore Solution designer
  2. Navigate to the category you wish to change the permissions for:
    1. In this example, we will use ""Example Category"

These permissions work in the same way as windows permissions. Permissions applied at the top level will apply to the folders beneath it, unless specified otherwise
  1. Right-click the category you wish to change the permissions for

  1. Once in the Security page, you can see which users/groups already have access to that section

  1. To add a new group/user to these permissions, select "Add..."

  1. Once in the next menu, you will see all of the users available to use - you are also able to search for specific users
    1. In most cases, ensure the "Domain" is set to your business domain
      1. This is not the case in Therefore Online systems, this will show as "<THEREFORE>"

  1. In this example, we will add desktop support to the security of the Finance Archive category. To do this, double click the record you want to add
    1. This will add them into the "Select" section

  1. Once you have added the relevant users/groups, select "OK"

  1. You will now see the record in the security page along with what permissions they already have

The "Inherit permissions from the parent object", means that the permissions are being inherited from a folder higher up the chain. However the same process of adding new users still applies.
  1. From here, you can change what permissions the user/group will have and which ones you want to deny
  2. Once you have made the relevant changes, click "OK"
Please note that if you deny a permission, this will deny this for that group and will stop anyone in that group from performing the denied action, regardless of their other group memberships. The deny permission takes priority over the Allow permission. In most cases, it is best to leave the Deny options unticked.

You have now made the relevant security changes to the relevant categories or workflows within Therefore.

If you require any assistance, please feel free to contact IT@Spectrum support at

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