Adding New Users to CWC

Adding New Users to CWC

Adding new users to CWC (Workspace Collaboration)

This guide will instruct you through the process of adding new users into the Workspace Collaboration (CWC) Portal, using Azure AD. This system can also link with Therefore Online so the same login details will be used here as in the CWC portal.

  1. Log into the CWC Portal with your CWC link
    1. This will be https://<tenant name>
  2. Once logged in, select the "Users and Groups" section and then "Users"

  1. Select the "Add User" section

  1. You can either select "Create User" or "Invite User"
    1. Create User will allow you to manually enter the users information and password
      1. The user will need to log into the system using <username>@<company>
    2. Invite user will allow you to invite an existing email address
      1. The user can log into the system using their existing email address and password
  2. In this scenario, we will select "Invite User" and fill in the information for the user

  1. Add the user to any relevant groups
    1. In this example, they will be a Portal Admin but your requirements may be different

  1. Select "Send Invite" to send the email registration to the user
Once the user has followed the instructions in the email, they will be able to log into the CWC system and also Therefore Online (if this is included) using their existing email address and password.

If you require any assistance or have any questions, feel free to contact us at

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